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Signs of Choice

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Hannah reached out to CreativCat to create a commission piece (yard signs) to remember the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and give back by helping fight for reproductive justice and equitable access to healthcare. At CreativCat, our vision is to help others impact their community and environment for a better tomorrow and we knew this piece would do just that.

We pounced on the opportunity to help remember a woman who fought for all equality. We wanted to create something original and unique. Our process started by hand painting Ruth on a large canvas. We wanted to add and incorporate “I Dissent” to her collar to make the piece more original. We finished the project by overlaying a few of her quotes on top of the painting.

It was an honor to collaborate on Signs For Choice with Hannah.

Supporting Reproductive Justice Through Art

Time is on the side of change.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s passing was the ultimate gut-punch in an already trying and tumultuous year. She stood for women and minorities, and devoted her career to the pursuit of equality and equity for all. Often in the Supreme Court’s liberal minority, her pointed dissents inspired policy changes far beyond the Court. Her majority opinion in U.S. v. Virginia, et al. changed the way courts approach allegations of gender inequity, and in her personal life she was determined to demonstrate the strength, resilience and fortitude of which she knew women were capable.

She considered a woman’s right to choice inextricably linked to her right to self-determination, and her ability to participate in economic and social life. Pro-Birthers (because let’s call them what they really are), see RBG’s passing as an opportunity to dismantle a woman’s right to reproductive health care.

Signs For Choice developed out of heartbreak and fear, with the intent to transform those feelings into hope and action. The original artwork featured here supports organizations committed to fighting for reproductive justice and equitable access to healthcare. Each purchase supports Planned Parenthood’s Center for Reproductive Justice, and will at times be shifted to localized organizations in need of our support.

**Article written by Hannah Follender.